Capping off a string of All Star, middle-of-August birthdays from Leo Rap History makers; Chief Keef (15th) , Young Thug (16th), Lil B (17th), is the Green Ova South Champion Pepperboy!
Happy Birthday Pepperboy ! (August 18th)
A true testament to his nature, and absolute character – on this day, we the people are given a gift! A two song Ep, and sneak preview of 2 tracks off the up coming and highly anticipated ‘Str8 Off Tha Block 7.’
Both tracks on the Ep are produced by Young God aka Televangel ; formerly 1/2 of respected duo Blue Sky Black Death. It is important to bring up that affiliation to highlight the length of the relationship between this producer with the huge-hearted, street-wise rapper Pepperboy. *Over half a decade at least.. (Days of Grace? 2012?) They also just finished off the second of 2 full on classic albums as Green Ova South with help of Squadda B on the mic. Check out Green Ova Souths’ ‘Kome Ryde With Us’ and ‘3 Tha Hard Way’ here. (as well as major streaming services!)
‘I Am Trouble’ is a maxed out banger with plenty of dynamic turns and unique syncopated sample-drops laced in with a solid gliding sub bass melody and enchanting flute parts. The drums really smack you in the face as per the concept of the lyrics; “I am trouble…” pepperboy warns over and over – from the prospective of all the many dangers you might run into if you don’t check your intentions or get caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
‘Hands Up’ (Remix) as the parentheses give away – is a reworking by the same producer it was made by originally. (Young God) It’s not a total diversion from the original, the tempo matches but the tone is more somber and less triumphant. It highlights the reality of the lyrics a bit more accurately. A standout track from Pepperboys’ ‘Channel 11’ – Young God takes us even deeper into the soul of the message Pepperboy is portraying through personal life lessons and the reality of what people deal with daily. Racially motivated injustice and hypocritical politicians make this world a more dangerous place for the people just trying to survive another day; that’s the bullshit we’re seeing on the nightly news, this depression and stifling of expression and ability to live rings true as ever on this re-work of an already epic track from two of our favorite people to ever pair up.
Give Pepperboy a B-day shoutout on Twitter @pepperboy22 !
Go holler at @0YoungGod0 (Televangel) as well !
Please go support Pepperboy on his Bandcamp page by getting one or two albums or eps and maybe even his whole discography!
Look out for ‘Str8 Off Tha Block 7’ coming soon …